Portable Safety Light


This is a great project for teachers who want to introduce some electronics, but want to keep it simple and make sure the students take home something really useful.

The Portable Safety Light project challenges students to design a stylish product using the electronics kit supplied as well as workshop materials chosen by the teacher. All students complete an identical electronics component of the project, but the real design comes in enclosing the technology in a suitable form.

>a href="https://designability.com.au/gallery/portable-safety-light/">View Gallery for Portable Safety Light Project


Our aim is to support teachers with the resources needed to successfully run this unit of work in their classrooms. We provide complete kites as teaching resources are downloadable. The beauty of the Portable Safety Light project is that it can be run without expensive equipment.

Materials And Equipment

Fax your order to (02) 9789 5280. Please note the price below does not include GST. Teaching Resource Pack Download

Product  Description Code Price
   1 x 2AA battery holder with leads    
   2 x 470Kohm resistor    
   1 x 33ohm resistor    
 Portable Safety Light Project Kit  2 x 10uF capacitor electrolytic   PLPK $9.90
   2 x BC547B NPN transistor     
   2 x high brightness red LED 5mm     
   1 x bike light PCB     

PCB dimensions: 48.5mm x 25.5mm.Requires 2 x AA batteries