911 Thermoforming Centre
Code: CRTC911
The 911 Thermoforming Centre provides six thermo-forming processes in one machine.
Includes stand and cabinet. Just about every plastics forming process you would ever want to do in the classroom is possible with the Thermoforming Centre.
Price on application
Unit price: $
How to order:
Email your order to admin@designability.com.au. We will send the goods out with an invoice. To make card payments please call 1300 363 352
Six thermoforming processes in one machine:
- Vacuum Forming
- Injection Moulding
- Free Dome Blowing
- Extrusion
- Plastic Dip Coating
- Plastic Welding
- 2 zone ceramic heaters
- Vacuum/pressure pump providing -0.83bar (25inHg) (minimum)
- Multi station rotary switch selects functions
- Fan circulated oven with digital display temperature control
- Digital readout timer with alarm
- Moulded RTV Silicone high temperature seals
- Two vacuum forming sizes:- 304x304 & 304x152mm (12x12 & 12x6in)
- Welding torch with integral heater, electronic temperature control & combination ‘flip back’ welding/tacking nozzle, welds PVC & Polypropylene
- Calibrated, adjustable work table
Four more functions are available using the oven & press:
- Press Forming
- Plastic memory demonstrations
- Sheet heating
- Annealing